At Acton Academy Venice Beach, your child will embark on their own Hero’s Journey and grow to become a curious, independent thinker who embraces lifelong learning. Our learners “learn by doing” through a variety of project and holistic methods such as individualized curriculum, learning style analysis, and self and peer accountability. Every aspect of the Acton Academy Venice Beach experience is learner driven, steered by lifelong learning guides and viewed as a constant journey of tackling new challenges. Through this experience, learners progress through the essentials of mathematics, reading, writing, history, geography and more, but within the context of the world in which we all live. They each discover their own gifts and cultivate the skills needed to survive and thrive in the real world.
The following video explores how this is put into practice at Acton Academy, and shows the value of education that uplifts the natural spirit, curiosity, and character of learners.