Carly has been attending Acton in Venice Beach for four years now. Good riddance to the cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all, tired and ineffective educational factory. And hello to a welcoming, nurturing, and multi-faceted learning environment. My daughter excels—in her studies, in her love for creative writing, and in just plain feeling good about herself. She has learned self-sufficiency, gained the tools and confidence to overcome challenges, and has renewed pride in being exactly who she is.
I will never forget that first week at Acton…my ten-year-old literally jumping up and down when I came to pick her up. Her excitement and joy from learning was dazzling. It had always been there, but it had been stifled. That same enthusiasm is what I see today. In all her endeavors.
This is the gift that Acton Academy gives. It puts the joy back in learning and affords a child the freedom to find the best path toward success and happiness. What more could a parent ask for?