Week 26 Newsletter: April 3- 7

The Weekly Newsletter

Week 26, April 3- 7

What a great session this has been! The Eagles worked so hard these last seven weeks (our longest session!) and started and completed very meaningful and worthwhile projects. We were so happy that we were able to invite you all into our studios for the Exhibition of Learning so that you were able to see all of the hard work the students have put into this session. Here are some highlights from our last week!:

At the Exhibition of Learning, you were able to see the finished products of some awesome quests the students have been working on. It was a journey leading up to the finals and we were able to hear their reflections after the exhibition.

For the data quest, the navigators were really able to think critically about data in ways they never have before. Through this quest, they learned critical skills through reading and creating visual charts of data. More importantly, they were able to see how information is manipulated in most cases and how to apply their skills in real life to see through inaccurate data. Finally, they chose countries they would move to based on their research of the data in these countries. The quest wrapped up with their live mock trial, where they tricked all of us with their own manipulated data! What a success.

For the gaming quest, the students spent weeks discovering what really goes into making a game. For each student, there were favorite parts of the quest. Some were very excited to learn about chance and skill within gaming. And although offline games are now in competition with online games and the digital world, they are still such an important piece of culture, history, and the gaming world. For others, being able to come up with an entire concept for a game and then put that into a real-life piece was just amazing. You can see all the hard work and dedication in each detail of each game these Eagles created.

The writing projects that we just wrapped up were so fun and rewarding. The foundation students used so much perseverance and curiosity in the poetry quest. New forms of writing are not always the most comfortable in the beginning and can be a little intimidating to start. But the students really dedicated themselves to trying something new and coming up with some really beautiful pieces of poetry.

The same goes with the realistic fiction workshop. Blending heavy research on a specific historical topic with the creation of a fictional piece is not easy! The navigators really put their all into these pieces and put so much care and work into both pieces of the project. We saw so much strong and dedicated research as well as such skillful character and plot development in these amazing stories.

On top of the exhibition, we had an awesome beach clean up day for our community service project, and we got to celebrate two very special birthdays- Molly Sue’s and Leticia’s! We ended the week with some portfolio building and some spring-cleaning of drawers and old work to take home or hang up on the walls 🙂

Thank you again for your love and support in these amazing journeys we get to be a part of! Enjoy your week off and we will see you when we are back next Monday, the 17th!


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