The Weekly Newsletter
Week 12: December 4- 8
Welcome back! We had a great week this week, with lots of holiday festivities, quest work, core skills, passion projects, and SOLES! We had a blast decorating ornaments and building gingerbread houses, and were able to get lots of work done. Here’s a look into our week!:
This week in writing workshop for the foundation and navigator transition studios the Eagles began diagraming their plots for their fictional short stories! The rest of the quest will really be getting into writing, so we started off by creating a sturdy skeleton of a plot to build off of.
In the My Hero Story quest for navigator and launchpad, the Eagles were in peer group editing mode this week. They have written their rough drafts and are now doing critiques and edits for each others’ work. It has been a big process to get to this point, with brainstorming and getting into contact with their Heroes. They’re doing great!
In history for the foundation and navigator transition studios this week, we read about the beginning of civilization- in ancient Egypt! We learned about life near the Tigris and Nile river, and how these rivers were catalysts to the thriving of their crops. The ancient Egyptians had leaders called Pharaohs who were considered gods. We studied these beliefs by doing a mini-research project on the gods and the eagles created head pieces for each of their gods. Pictures below!
In Hamilton history for the navigator and launchpad studios, the Eagles learned about the rest of Washington’s cabinet- some very big players- and why they are not as well known as Hamilton. We discussed Hamilton’s mark in the history of the U.S. and why it was him that made history and still talked about today.
Everyone made a ton of progress on their passion projects and SOLES this week! Some Eagles are doing hands- on work like filming/ building board games, while others are digging deep to make specific goals to further themselves in both their academic and personal endeavors.
The Eagles had a blast letting loose and expressing themselves in improv! This week they did a series of activities: one- word stories, zip-zap-zop, and lots more verbal, think on your feet, improv games.
On Friday we did the Hour of Code! This is an amazing organization that brings kids of all ages together to have a blast coding. Hour of Code strives to empower young people to try coding, providing many different types and levels of computer programming for every student. We do Hour of Code a few times each year, and the Eagles love it.
To celebrate the holidays we had our annual gingerbread house decorating! Once again, the Eagles made amazing structures. They are so creative! Lots of pictures included below.
That’s it for this week! We’ll see you all next week for the exhibition of learning! Have a good weekend 🙂