This week in our summer session, as voted by our Eagles, was Arts & Crafts week! Reese led the studios beautifully, with creativity and passion, leading some thoughtful Socratic discussions, and introducing some exciting new projects for Eagles to learn and explore!
We started out the week getting to paint birdhouses, as well as some ukuleles. Eagles displayed themes of community, nature, summer, and dreams in their designs, and the finished products were stunning!
Next, Reese led the tribe through portraiture, first learning about some of the greats, then creating our own. The only catch was that no one could use pencils, pens, paint, or any traditional art supplies. Eagles created portraits out of string, fabric, paper, beads, and more! Be sure to check out your Eagle’s final piece.
We finished out Arts and Crafts week with jewelry making, knitting, tie dye, and macrame! Overall, everyone was thrilled to get to learn some new skills and explore unfamiliar mediums. Reese led the week so well, and was awarded our Creativity Hero because of it!
Other highlights from the week include portfolio building. Eagles spent some time this week updating their portfolios, as we near the end of the year. Portfolios display all of their work throughout the year, like their own personal resumes! Everything from badges earned to journal entries to math percentages.
We also got to celebrate Wednesday night at our End of the Year party. We had some spectacular graduate speeches, gifts shared, and Olympics awards to announce! We loved getting to spend some special time reflecting on our year, and acknowledging everyone in the tribe that has contributed and played a part in this amazing community this year. It takes a village, and we’re so grateful for you all!
We closed out an amazing week with another beach day, and finally got to experience some sunshine! We’re looking forward to next week and all the adventures to come as we begin Mystery Week!